Utopia Gaming Systems

Utopia Gaming Systems

UTOPIA Gaming Systems was established in 2014 and is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Banktech Group. In 2016, UTOPIA acquired Global Gaming Industries that operates in more than 1,000 venues across NSW, South Australia and the ACT.

UTOPIA is a licensed monitoring operator (LMO) in Queensland and holds gaming licenses in all other Australian states and territories.

Installed in over 1,000 venues throughout Australia, UTOPIA’s Global Gaming System, has long been regarded as the preferred choice for small to medium sized venues. Its ease of use and competitive pricing has seen it become a trusted gaming management tool for over thirty years.

One of the new products on show at this year’s AGE includes Omni EYE, a powerful reporting and gaming floor management tool.

UTOPIA Loyalty, a product designed specifically for small to medium sized venues, will also be on show. This loyalty system provides all the features of other more complex systems but at a fraction of the cost.

The UTOPIA NSW and QLD teams will be available at this year’s AGE to answer all questions about how these new systems can streamline your venue.

For more information please contact the UTOPIA team on 1800 200 201.


Lvl 4, 113 Wicks Rd, MACQUARIE PARK, NSW, 2113

